Welcome to the Morning Kollel
Monday – Friday
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Monday – Thursday
7:15 – 8:00 PM
8:30 – 9:30 PM
Morning Shiurim Meeting #
675 804 1762
Password: 314 957
Evening Shiurim Meeting #
427 338 7641
Password 12345
Dial-in Number
USA: (253) 215-8782
Israel 972 3 978 6688
Morning Shiurim Meeting #
675 804 1762
Password: 314 957
Evening Shiurim Meeting #
427 338 7641
Password: 12345
Press *6 to mute and unmute
Please join us in person at the
Young Israel of Midwood
1694 Ocean Avenue (Near Avenue L)
Shiurim on the Parsha, Nach,
Halacha, Siddur, Inyanei D’Yoma,
Daf Yomi and more.